In this world,
I don’t expect to be liked, appreciated, respected. I expect the exact opposite because I know the truth of it and expose the delusions and profess the only name that makes it possible to perceive and discern. I know, I will be hated and judged for standing against the very things the world is in love with, accepts and condones as perfectly normal when in fact it is nothing but demonic deception and lies. Implemented and cultivated by the devil himself. Who is the one that is at the control panel of most people, in this world.
In this world,
if you are a born again Christian living in the very near presence of the living God? You will be hated and persecuted. The devil, in most people, will do everything in their power to rebuke you, deny you, reject you and ignore you. You will not be popular, you will not be accepted, you will not have many so called friends.
In this world,
living in the very near presence of the living God as a born again Christian whom God has manifested himself to via the very Spirit of Jesus the Christ. Through repentance and fear of God. Will, by default, cause you to hate the things God hates and Love the things he Loves. By default free you from a life of sin by making you SIN FREE. A major contradiction in this demonic world that believes sin is only forgiven, not eliminated.
In this world,
the devil knows his time is short and he is on a rampage to keep as many as he can as content, complacent and comfortable in their sin. The very thing that is keeping God distant from them, the very thing that will keep them from actually acknowledging the God of this universe, his authority, rule, power, voice and judgment. As well as his true Love, mercy, grace, compassion and reason for creating us.
At the same time, God, the creator of all life, is pouring out his spirit of truth, wisdom, understanding, mercy, compassion and grace on all of creation through all of creation via all that is Good and Evil. Unfortunately, only those who are actually under his authority and rule, those who actually acknowledge his live, living, voice, presence and power can see this and understand this spiritual battle going on in Every living soul.
In this world,
If you believe every soul is born of God and not the devil? The devil has blinded you from the truth. If you believe God has put you here for you to be happy, content, prosperous and successful ‘in this world’? You haven’t been reborn and are after your own lusts.
In this world,
a born again Christian will find there is nothing in this world that satisfies them. That the only satisfaction they receive is from actually acknowledging the realm of spirit and truth, actually knowing the creator of the universe and are honored to be blessed with things from above like wisdom, understanding and true love from God himself through a select few that dwell in the same ‘world’ as you!